Voorbeelden van proefschriften

Bij Persoonlijk Proefschrift zorgen we voor de complete vormgeving van jouw proefschrift. Benieuwd naar de proefschriften die wij ontworpen hebben? Bekijk hier voorbeelden van de boeken die wij hebben vormgegeven.

Voorbeelden van alleen omslagen

Ook benieuwd naar voorbeelden van omslagen? In ons omslagen archief zijn voorbeelden te vinden van covers die ontworpen zijn door onze vormgevers. Bekijk hier al onze proefschrift omslagen.

Naomi Starmans
Hemodynamic disturbances and dementia – On the crossroads between vascular brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Saar Hommes
From data to person – communicating personalized numbers and data-driven narratives to persons with cancer and trauma

Aishah Snoek
Beyond Boundaries – Rethinking diagnostics and improving treatment for patients with posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid borderline personality disorder

Charlotte Frederiks
Towards Optimal Endoscopic Treatment for Early Esophageal Neoplasia

Tim Raveling
Chronic noninvasive ventilation in COPD – Identifying targets and patients who benefit

Gülcan Bektaş
Fostering healthy growth and development in the first two years of children’s life – Engaging mothers in the development of health promotion actions

Kim van Teunenbroek
Towards optimised paediatric palliative care – A clinical practice guideline

Anneloek Scholten
Peripheral Fictions? The Transregional Dimensions of Dutch Regional Writing, 1843-1919

Charlotte Althoff
DHRSX – Revisiting Dolichol Synthesis

Milou Schuurbiers
Liquid-based biomarkers to personalize treatment in non-small cell lung cancer

Tara Mahendrarajah
Tracing the evolutionary history of cellular life

Tim Somers
Revving up the balance – Exploring the metabolic dynamics of statins on the heart

Michelle Brust
Embracing a new beginning: understanding the teachable window for lifestyle change

Judith Elshof
Optimizing non-invasive respiratory support – From conventional to innovative approaches

Robina Aerts
Screening and pre-emptive approaches to unveil difficult-to-diagnose opportunistic infections early

Clara Veerkamp
Advancing model-based ecosystem services assessments for policy support

Lotte Sondag
Towards new acute treatments for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages – The role of surgery and perihematomal edema

Frans Kauw
Advanced CT imaging in acute ischemic stroke

Michela Botta
Ventilatory Support in Critically Ill Patients – Invasive ventilation, automated ventilation and oxygen support

Shyama Tetar
Clinical implementation of MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy for urological tumors

Sophie Kemper
Voices of the publics – Public engagement in decision-making about epidemic management

Janneke van Beek
From inside to insight – Exploring the relationship between violent behavior and severe mental illness in the penitentiary setting

Sofie J. Lorijn
Peer Relationships in the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education

Jasper F. Meekes
Planning for Leisure-led Regional Development – Complexity in the case of Fryslân

Esmée van der Sar
PSMA theranostics in prostate cancer

Nadia Bonekamp
Healthy lifestyle in secondary cardiovascular disease prevention – Dietary patterns, physical activity, and their long-term benefits

Thijs Rooimans
Pharmaceutical formulations for poorly water-soluble drugs – From technology to solutions for clinical use

Ivonne Douma
Me Myself and I – Explaining the self-concept of students in mainstream and special education through the eyes of their peers

Maud Hensums
In the Name of Status: Adolescent Harmful Social Behavior as Strategic Self-Regulation

Laura Weekers
Towards a New Perspective on Personality Disorder Classification – The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders in Clinical Practice

Birgitta Hiddinga
Advances in personalized medicine in lung cancer – What’s in it for the patient

Marga Helmink
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease Risk factors and individualized prevention

Björn Quanjer
A Tale of Tallness, A household perspective on early life determinants of male height within the Netherlands between 1850 and 1950

Casper van Eijck
Innovate to Elevate Pancreatic Cancer Care, Immunity Leading the Way in Precision Medicine

Merel Hermans
Classical galactosemia Cognitive, psychosocial and prognostic challenges

Floor Loonstra
The search for clues explaining phenotypic variability in multiple sclerosis

Emma Verwaaijen
Musculoskeletal vulnerability and physical frailty during and after treatment for childhood cancer

Eva Vernooij
Reframing HIV Treatment as Prevention in eSwatini

Mayte Sánchez van Kammen
Novel insights into cerebral venous thrombosis

Tamara Rusman
Sex differences and early treatment of axial spondyloarthritis

Jesse Roest
The therapeutic alliance in child and adolescent psychotherapy and residential youth care

Maria Berghuis
Receiving visits in Dutch prisons

Josien Lanfermeijer
Maintenance of the virus-specific CD8+ T-cell repertoire

Kim Lommen
Translation of DNA methylation markers for the early detection of renal cell cancer

Julie Swillens
Implementation of digital pathology applications

Kim Jeucken
TNF Receptor superfamily signaling in lymphoid organ development and endothelial cell responses

Iscander Maissan
Traumatic Brain Injury – Prehospital challenges and opportunities

Amrita Das
The graph of a cry

Louwrens Braal
Pharmacological Approaches to Optimize the Individual Pharmacotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients

Roeliene Starreveld
Uncovering atrial fibrillation complexity: from signals to (bio)markers

Suzanne de Leeuw
The intergenerational transmission of educational attainment after divorce and remarriage

Lore Noben
Diagnostic opportunities of transabdominal fetal electrocardiography

Nienke Smit
Get it together

Nienke Wolthuis
Language impairments and resting-state EEG in brain tumour patients

Lois Daamen
Detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer recurrence

Jacky van de Goor
Wonderful life. The power of sharing and reflecting on meaningful moments

Lisa te Molder
Regulators of integrin α6β4 function

Esmée Liem
Bladder cancer diagnosis in a new light

Emma Beeldman
The frontotemporal syndrome of ALS. Profile, screening and progression

Elke Butterbrod
Heterogeneous cognitive profiles in patients with glioma, meningioma and pituitary adenoma

Ewout Smit
Patient-centeredness in geriatric rehabilitation

Irene Hoogeveen
Glycogen Storage Disease type IIIa Towards precision medicine

Robin Eijlers
Virtual Reality Exposure to Prepare Children for Surgery: Effects on Anxiety and Pain

Jeroen Derksen
Colorectal Cancer Survivorship: Steps towards integrative oncology and patient-centered cancer care

Elke Tjeertes
Outliers Matter

Tarik Binnekade
Pain in Dementia

Alwin Schierenberg
Molecular Diagnostics among Patients with Gastroenteritis in General Practice

Natanja Oosterom
(Epi)genetic and biochemical determinants of methotrexate-induced oral mucositis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Dieke van Dinther
Interplay of CD169+ macrophages and dendritic cells

Niels Uenk
Commissioning of Social Care Services

Fatiha Baâdoudi
Academic Detailing in Dental Care

Bette Loef
Shift work: health, lifestyle, and immunological effects

Roelien van de Vrie
Treatment selection in advanced ovarian cancer

Zeguang Liu
Ethylene-mediated hypoxia tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana

Emma van Daalen
Prognosis in small vessel vasculitis

Thijs van Houwelingen
Telehealth competence in nursing enhancing skills and practice in providing care remotely

Femke Mulder
Postpartum urinary retention: Risk factors, clinical, impact and management

Ed Hilterman
Going in and out of offending: Development aspects of risk assessment and juvenile offenders

Henry Keijzer
Melatonin Treatment in Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders

Laureen ten Berg-Lammers
Nutritional Conditioning: The Effect of Fasting on Drug Metabolism

Myrthe de Koning
Prediction of outcome following mild traumatic brain injury – From care to recovery

Eelco Lens
Respiratory motion management for radiotherapy of pancreatic cancer patients

Andras Heijink
Elbow arthroplasty in perspective

Juliëtte Cassé
Maternal resilience and parenting self-efficacy: A multi-method analysis of mediation and moderation effects

Sabine van den Akker
Preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis of ovarian tumours

Charlotte Tutein Nolthenius
CT colonography for polyp surveillance & MRI features in Crohn’s disease

Robert-Jan Coelen
Risk assessment and perioperative care in perihilar cholangiocarcinoma

Robert van Boerdonk
Molecular profiling for risk assessment of pre-invasive endobronchial lesions

Selma Lekkerkerker
Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases

Een aantal van onze proefschrift omslag ontwerpen:

Onze vormgevers ontwerpen graag je binnenwerk maar zijn daarnaast ook erg goed in (custom) omslagen. Elke week voegen we omslagen toe waardoor je altijd nieuwe inspiratie op kunt doen.

Wat klanten over ons zeggen:

It was fast, efficient, professional and produced a great

Hans myhre Sunde

Prettige en snelle vormgever met als resultaat een mooi vormgegeven

Judith Elshof

Fantastisch, hele fijne samenwerking.

Sophie van der Linden
Bekijk alle beoordelingen