Little time? Rush order!
When your dissertation needs to be designed within 8 working days, we speak of a rush order. In this case, the process is accelerated by selecting a template. Once we receive your files, we will design the complete dissertation according to your chosen template.
Afterwards we offer 1 round of corrections based on digital proofs. The quality of your dissertation will never diminish, but by accelerating the process, your dissertation becomes a little less personal.
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Rush order explained
Thesis design within 8 working days (minimum of 6)
Choose out of 5 templates
1 round of corrections
Fixed additional price of €89 ex. VAT
Average review score: 9,5
Conditions for a rush order
- A total lead time of 6 to 8 working days, from the moment we received your final files.
- The files need to be delivered before 12:00 on the first day.
- The files are textually 100% correct and complete.
- There is no design proof made.
- You can choose from 5 templates.
- You have 1 round of corrections.
- A standard cover is possible, a custom cover is not.
Take a look at our rush order templates
Example planning for a rush order
A thesis can only be designed in the rush order proces if there’s a good planning that everyone follows. When you follow the rush order process with us, we expect you to be very well reachable and available. To create the right expectations, we’ve placed an example planning below. Every additional (working) day there is, can be planned in discussion with your designer.
Actions for which you’ll be responsible are marked blue in the planning below. Plan these in advance. Any delays caused by you not being able to follow the planning or the agreements, are at your own risk.
Day 1 before 12:00
Day 1 before 18:00
Day 2
Day 3 before 18:00
Day 4 before 12:00
Day 4 before 18:00
Day 6 before 10:00
Day 6 before 12:00
Your files and your choice of template are delivered
You’re matched to your designer
You’re designer calls you for an intake conversation
Your designer sends you the first designed version
You give your corrections by placing comments in the PDF
The designer delivers the final files to you
You give your designer your approval for the files
The designer delivers the final files to the printer
What documents do we need from you?
In order to achieve a good result within 8 working days, the files must be submitted correctly all at once. You will find a checklist on this page making it easy to check if your dissertation is complete. In the event of missing or delayed items, the overall delay that might occur is on your own risk. The realization within 8 working days can only be guaranteed when the complete dissertation is delivered correctly and in time. For additional information about submitting your files, you can view our file specifications.
File specifications
Things we don’t do with a rush order
✘ No design proof.
✘ No more than 1 round of corrections.
✘ No custom cover.
✘ No custom choices in the design.
✘ No flexibility in the planning.
Interior of your thesis
- Colophon (think of: sponsor & ISBN)
- Title page of University
- Index
- Chapters 1 through X
- Title/chapter pages, running titles
- Figures & Tables
- References
- Summary (English & Dutch)
- List of publications
- Acknowledgements
- Curriculum Vitae
- Appendices