How long does it take to create a thesis?
A question we understandably get quite often, is how long the process of designing and printing a thesis takes. This often strongly depends on your wishes and the specifications of the design and the printing of your thesis.
We’ll give you an indication of how long the different process steps take in general. The complete process, from the start of your order until the delivery of your books, takes on average 7 weeks.
How long does it take to design your thesis?
The most important advice we can give you: take your time. It’s almost always possible to accelerate the process, but that doesn’t make it more fun. To make sure you are able to go through the process without any stress, it’s better to start a little earlier.
The Personal Thesis package (thesis inside and standard cover):
The design within this package takes approximately 4 weeks. This starts the moment you place the order, up until we deliver the designed and approved files to the printer.
The Premium package (thesis inside and custom cover):
The design in this package takes approximately 5 weeks. This too starts the moment you place the order up until delivering the designed files to the printer.
How long does it take to print my thesis?
When it comes to printing, the time it takes depends on the print run quantity, your choices in type of paper, any special printing edits you might want to have made. Besides that it depends on how busy it is at the printing company at that time. On average the printing takes about 2 to 3 weeks, from the moment your designer delivers the files for the print proof until you receive the books. This includes the printing, receiving and approving of a proof print.
If you want a more specific indication of how long the design and production of your thesis would take, please feel free to contact the coordinator to discuss the possibilities.
A few of our thesis cover designs:
Our designers love to design your inside but are also very good in designing (custom) covers. We add covers every week to provide you with plenty of inspiration.
Deviate from the average time it takes to create a thesis
The design of your thesis can take longer..
.. if your thesis has over 30 tables;
.. if you need more than three correction rounds on the design;
.. if you’re unable to deliver your final files to us on time;
.. if you have (a lot of) textual corrections, these need to be done by hand;
.. if you’re unable to give feedback to your designer in a timely manner;
.. if you prefer to have plenty of time for the design – in this case you can make a more extensive planning with your designer.
The design of your thesis can go faster..
.. if you need less than three correction rounds;
.. if you make use of our rush order process;
.. if you have a exceptionally small thesis with few tables and/or figures;
.. if you’re able to respond and give feedback to your designer very quickly;
.. if you don’t have any textual corrections;
.. if you have all your files ready and prepared the right way (also see our delivery specifications).
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Ik vond het een heel fijne ervaring om met Harma samen te werken en gun iedereen zo’n fijne vormgever!
Ik vond Harma echt ontzettend fijn om mee samen te werken, ze reageerde heel erg snel op emails, en was heel geduldig. Mijn proefschrift moest snel vormgegeven worden, maar Harma heeft daar nooit een probleem van gemaakt. Was echt ontzettendRead more “Ik vond het een heel fijne ervaring om met Harma samen te werken en gun iedereen zo’n fijne vormgever!”